BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Viewing the current workflow

Viewing a document’s current workflow information allows you to identify which workflow the document is in, its current status in the workflow, and the possible transitions to the next state in the workflow.

To view the current workflow:

  1. On the document’s Document property page, click the Status hyperlink.


    In the view bar, click the Workflow Diagram icon .

    The Document Workflow window or page appears similar to the following figure.

    Each state of the workflow appears as a colored rectangle. The current state of the document is outlined in red. The names of workflow transitions (actions) are shown in yellow rectangles. Lines connect each transition from one state to another state. The direction of each transition is indicated by an arrowhead.

    If the current workflow type is a workflow definition, the outgoing transitions of the current state are listed at the bottom of the dialog with the current status of each one. If the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module is enabled, document workflow transitions may be interlocked with project workflow definitions. The status of these interlocks will also be shown in Status. The possible states of the interlocks are described in the following table.

    Tip    In Meridian Power, you can hover the mouse pointer over an interlock status message and the unrelated workflow states are dynamically greyed out in the workflow diagram so that you can better see only the related states. Similarly, if you hover the mouse pointer over a transition box in the diagram, the unrelated states and transitions are dynamically greyed out.

  2. To make the entire workflow diagram appear in the window, click Zoom to Fit. The diagram is resized to fit the window.
  3. Click OK to close the window.

Interlock statuses
Status Description

Document interlocks

There are no conditions defined for this transition

The transition is not interlocked with another workflow. You can attempt to run it but it might be blocked by a security check.

This transition is filtered out by applied criteria

You cannot run the transition because it is blocked by an interlock with another workflow or a property value.

There is no Metadata for this transition

The transition is not interlocked with another workflow, you can attempt to run it but it might be blocked by a security check.

Transitions <Name> condition script failed.

You cannot run the transition because it is blocked by a script condition.

Access Denied

You do not have sufficient rights to run the transition.

Project folder interlocks

There are no conditions defined for this transition

The transition is not interlocked with another workflow. You can attempt to run it but it might be blocked by a security check.

Conditions have been validated for this transition

The script assigned to the transition has passed. You can attempt to run it but it might be blocked by a security check.

This transition is filtered out by applied criteria

You cannot run the transition because it is blocked by an interlock with another workflow or a property value.

Transitions <Name> preconditions script failed.

There is a problem with the script assigned to the transition. Contact a system administrator.

There is no Metadata for this transition

The transition is not interlocked with another workflow. You can attempt to run it but it might be blocked by a security check.

Transitions <Name> condition script failed.

You cannot run the transition because it is blocked by a script condition.

Interlock <Name>: Passed

Shown for each interlock that has been satisfied.

Access Denied

You do not have sufficient rights to run the transition.